5 Warm And Healing Drinks To Have During Self-Quarantine

The world is going through a peculiar time right now. Coronavirus has claimed many lives worldwide and the numbers are pretty grim back here in kenya too. To address the threat, a nationwide lockdown was announced on 24th March. Everyone is advised to stay indoors and refrain from stepping out for a period of 21 days as a precautionary measure to fight the virus. Practicing social distancing and self-isolation could break the chain of infection soon, as per experts. If you are wondering what can you do to make the most of the self-quarantine, i have some handy tips. Since it is also the time of season change, it is a good idea to tend towards your immunity. Drinking warm and healing beverages is a traditional remedy to keep nasal congestion and risk of cold and cough at bay.

Turmeric Water: Turmeric is amazing for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It is also packed with antioxidants that help curb free radical activity and strengthen immunity. Curcumin, the active compound of turmeric, also contains anti-microbial properties. It may not be a tasty drink but once you get used to drinking it youl be good.

Turmeric Water: 5 Benefits Of This Desi Detox Water And How To Make It

Warm Water With Honey and Lemon: This potion has all it takes to detox you and give a natural boost to your immunity. Honey happens to be a traditional cough suppressant; it also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemon on the other hand is enriched with vitamin C that could rev up your immune system. Also, if your looking for a natural glow and even skintone this potion is amazing in doing so. I personal drink warm lemon water daily, without the honey and my overrall health is good.

Honey, Lemon and Water: Urban Myth Or Miracle Potion?

Green Tea: .Green tea leaves do not undergo oxidation and withering process that is used to make black tea, and are therefore, considered to be healthier than others. It is a zero calorie drink, provided it is enjoyed only with water without milk and sugar. It is also an incredible source of antioxidants, drinking it warm and fresh could have a soothing effect on your nasal tracts. Again, i drink green tea almost everyday, and living in kenya we have some of the best teas all over the world. Kericho gold pure green tea is one of my favorite brands.

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Ginger is rich in health-promoting compounds like vitamin C, amino acids, and various trace minerals. Ginger has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for many ailments — it is, in fact, regarded as one of the healthiest spices around! And one of the best ways to enjoy these benefits is by drinking a cup of ginger tea. When making yourself a cup enusre you use fresh ginger as its more potent as opposed the packaged power ginger. Ginger can Soothe an upset stomach, support digestion, ease menstrual pain, regulate blood sugar levels and etc.

Garlic is a popular ingredient in most world cuisines. even in the ancient world garlic was recognized for its infection fighting properties. research suggests that garlic can lower blood pressure and help in slowing down the hardening of arteries. You can eat garlic raw but if the taste is too intense for you, opting to boil water with garlic is an alternative. I have also seen people do garlic shots- so basically you want to blend garlic with little water then drink!

6 Health Benefits of Garlic | The Chopra Center

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