How to Juice Fast

I’ve been juice fasting for well over a decade, and let me tell you, I made a lot of mistakes when I first started. I hope that today I can share some of the things I’ve learned along the way so that you can make the most of your fast.

If I could stress one thing before you begin, it’s to make sure your bowels are moving properly One thing you can be certain of while doing a juice fast is that your body will begin to detoxify from all the juices. If your bowels are not moving, all that toxic waste will accumulate in your colon, reabsorb into your system and make you sick! Sometime the juice itself will work to empty the bowels, but it’s good to have an intestinal cleanser or enema bag on hand just in case.

What are some of the benefits of juice fasting?

Knowing what’s happening in my body really helps me to look forward to a juice fast with anticipation rather than dread.

It’s an enzyme holiday

When you’re eating regular food, your body has to work to produce enzymes and digest everything you eat. Fresh, live juices contain a huge amount of readily available enzymes. So it’s like you’re giving your body a vacation. You’re loading your system with the enzymes it needs so it doesn’t have to work to manufacture them. This gives the body a chance to heal and repair rather than digest food.

Juice fasting is an all natural blood thinner

When we’re dehydrated or eat too much unhealthy fat and junk food, our blood can become like sludge. Imagine how hard our body has to work to pump thick sludge through our veins! Juice fasting thins the blood and allows the now nutrient-rich blood to make its way through the capillaries with ease and go deep into vital areas of the body.

Juice fasting also balances the hormones, clears the mind, brightens and tones the skin….the list goes on and on…

How long do I juice fast?

If you’ve never done a fast, here are a few suggestions:

The one day juice fast

Do you want to make it a 24 hour fast or a 36 hour one? If you choose a 24 hour fast and want to begin on Monday, for example, you could start Monday evening by missing supper and resume eating on Tuesday at supper time. This allows for a fast between around 5 pm to 5 pm, depending on what time you choose to eat. A great way to begin if this is your first time fasting.

If you choose a 36 hour fast, skip dinner on Monday and fast all day on Tuesday. Resume eating on Wednesday morning. This allows two evenings for your body to break down and eliminate waste material while you sleep.

The five day juice fast

Another great way to begin fasting is with a five day cleanse. Start day one by doing just fruits, vegetables, salads, and fresh juice. Then on days two, three, and four, do a juice fast, consuming nothing but fresh juice, herbal teas and vegetable broth if you so choose. On day 5, go back to fruits and vegetables along with fresh juice. Day one is a great way to prepare yourself to stop eating, while day five is a nice transition before you resume eating regular food once again.

How much juice do I drink?

This is a very difficult question to answer because everyone is so different. People have different needs and varying weights. When I do a juice fast, I typically try and consume about two and a half quarts or 80 ounces. I would suggest that you listen to your body and make your decision from there.

Preparing for a juice fast

Over the years, I have found that the better I plan for a juice fast, the better my chances for achieving success.

  • Make a list of what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Determine how long you intend to fast.
  • Purchase the herbs, fruits and vegetables you will need for any juice, flushes or vegetables broths you intend to make.

If you’re ready to raid the refrigerator…

Sometimes I find that part of what makes fasting a challenge is missing something hot at the end of the day when it’s supposed to be supper time. This takes some time to prepare, but vegetable broth can be very comforting when you just want some hot food.

Potassium broth

  • Thick potato peelings
  • Thick carrot peelings
  • Celery and onion
  • Garlic
  • Spinach and other greens
  • Himalayan salt or bragg liquid amino for flavor
  • Jalapenos or cayenne pepper to taste

I very lightly saute celery, onion and garlic in a little olive oil. It really enhances the flavor and makes it more like broth than vegetable water. Simmer on lowest heat for one to four hours. Strain the vegetables from the broth and enjoy!

Fresh watermelon juice is another way to ward off extreme feelings of hunger. I have found that if I’m not juicing the rind, my juicer makes absolutely no pulp when I try and juice it. So I just throw it in my vita mix with some ice. It’s so refreshing and really helps when I’m tempted to end the sat before I really intended.

One of my last resorts when I’m tempted to quit is to take about 2 – 3 tablespoons of flax seed and put them in a coffee grinder. I add hot water until it is kind of like a very thin hot cereal and add some honey for taste. The ground flax seed expands and makes you feel somewhat full. I have found this to be better than caving, ending the fast, and ordering carry out.

Therapeutic Massage

Another thing you may want to consider is a visit to the massage therapist. Getting a full body massage will stimulate the body to release toxins. Physical manipulation of the liver and intestines will aid in the process as well. If done properly, a massage can help you double the positive effects of your juice fast.

In Conclusion…

Juice fasting has become a practice and a habit that has enriched my life. Although there have been times I find it very difficult or challenging to do, the list of rewards and overall health benefits make fasting worth the sacrifice and effort.

My Top Uses for Coconut Oil

Whenever I need motivation to do something good for my body that I know I should, I study or revisit the things I have already learned and it helps me to take action. Coconut oil has been a staple item in my home for many years, and I hope that looking at its multiple uses will help you want to use it too.

Using coconut oil is an easy way to incorporate healthy fat into your diet. Because coconut oil is high in medium chain fatty acids, it is easily digested and sent straight to the liver where energy is actually produced rather than used by its introduction. This is one way that coconut oil increases your metabolism.

Because no bile or pancreatic enzymes are used, coconut oil is even great for those with diabetes or have had their gall bladder removed.

Lauric acid is found in abundance in coconut oil. Breast milk is high in lauric acid, which studies have shown is useful in fighting viruses, preventing certain cancers, and just overall helping the immune system.

Coconut oil also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. So it is a heart healthy oil, keeping the arteries flexible.

Because it allows the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, it is great for the bones, actually increasing bone strength.

It is also antifungal. Coconut oil helps reduce candida and yeast infections.

Uses for Coconut Oil

For the Skin

Coconut oil is a great tanning and massage oil. It is easily absorbed into the skin and leaves the skin feeling silky and soft. It is a natural, ready all over skin lotion.

Eye Make Up Remover

Coconut oil conditions the skin and helps reduce wrinkles while at the same time removing eye make up.

Protein Drinks and Smoothies

I add a tablespoon of coconut oil to my fruit and vegetable smoothies. It is great in post workout protein drinks as well.


In all of my baking, I use coconut oil. However, if you do use it for cooking and baking, it is important to use expeller pressed coconut oil, rather than raw, cold pressed or it will have a raw coconut flavor that may change the taste of your recipe.

For the Hair

Coconut oil makes a great hair conditioner and can even be massaged into the scalp and left on overnight as a deep conditioning treatment. Coconut oil has also been proven effective in killing lice.

Appetite Suppressant

Taking a spoonful of coconut oil before eating has been shown useful in decreasing the appetite.

Wood and Cutting Boards

Expeller pressed coconut oil is great for conditioning wood and can also be used to oil wood cutting boards.

Prevention and Healing of Stretch Marks

Liberally apply to the skin to prevent stretch marks. Used consistently over time, coconut oil can help fade and heal them as well.

Fungal Infections

Used with a few drops of tea tree oil, coconut oil can be used to treat athlete’s foot.

Immune System Booster

One teaspoon of coconut oil mixed with one teaspoon of turmeric is an effective way to boost the immune system and ward off colds, viruses or the flu. This dynamic duo is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial.

My Top 3 Coconut Oil Brands

Which coconut oil you use is important. Not all coconut oil is the same. Different methods of processing can be used, making a big difference in its effectiveness. Of course other brands are on the market that are good to use, but I wanted to recommend 3 brands.

  1. Tropical Traditions
    This company sells both the cold pressed and the expeller pressed types. They are extremely careful in how they process the oil, producing one of the finest oils on the market today.

  2. Garden of Life
    This company produces an excellent raw, cold pressed coconut oil, which smells just like fresh, raw coconuts.
  3. Wilderness Family Naturals
    This company not only sells high quality raw and expeller pressed oils, but they have coconut milk, flakes and other various coconut products as well.

In Conclusion…

Coconut oil is a simple and effective way to boost your overall health. I highly recommend its use and hope you will benefit from incorporating this wonderful, healthy oil into your diet and lifestyle.

Juicing for Your Skin

Our skin can betray us… it can lie about our age by making us look older or younger. I don’t know about you, but if my skin is going to lie, I want it to tell the world that I am ten years younger!

Learning about the skin is fascinating to me. The more I know about it and how it works, the more I want to take good care of it. Covering about two square yards, the skin is the largest organ of elimination. What does that mean? Let me help you picture it. If you took a regular doorway, a typical adult’s skin would fill that entire area.

The skin has been nicknamed ‘The third kidney’, and it gets rid of over a pound of waste every single day. Chemical analyses have shown that sweat actually contains many of the same components as urine.

Much debate exists about whether the skin ‘breathes’ or not. Perhaps a better word for what it does is that it absorbs and releases…the skin absorbs oxygen and sunlight, then releases toxins and waste.

Juicing For the Skin

Every 28 to 35 days, the skin cells completely regenerate themselves. Just thinking about this is a tremendous motivator for me! Where do the raw materials for those new skin cells come from? Quite simply, those cells are essentially made from what we put in our mouths. What would your skin look like if you juiced every day for an entire month?

Just to give you a hand with this, I designed a juice recipe just for the skin!

Radiant Red Juice Recipe

  • 4 carrots
  • 1 small beet
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 2 celery
  • 1 inch of ginger
  • 1 cup dandelion leaves (or 1 cup spinach if not available)
  • 2 apples
  • 2 leaves of kale (optional)
  • 1 orange

Carrots contain antioxidants that help regenerate the skin as well as vitamin A.

Cucumbers are rich in silica, which helps rebuild the hair, nails and skin. Silica is a mineral that is abundant in nearly every cell of your body.

Celery contains sodium, which has been called a youth maintainer in the body. It’s loaded with minerals and contains vitamin C as well, which helps maintain elasticity of the skin.

Ginger helps improve circulation to the skin. It is also a powerful cleansing agent that helps keep the skin free of blemishes.

Dandelion leaves support kidney function and are a great liver cleanser. This in turn, takes some of the burden off the skin so that waste matter does not have to come out through the pores.

Apples contain vitamins A and C which prevent sagging skin, as well as copper for brightening and toning.

Kale contains vitamins A, E, K, C and calcium, which fight free radicals leading to premature aging.

Oranges are rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and Vitamin A. These vitamins help strengthen the outer layers of the skin. They also contain B vitamins that can improve blood flow to the skin.

In addition to the ingredients in the above mentioned juice, I would like to recommend a few others as well: Beetsspinachpurple cabbage and red peppers are all excellent to juice for the skin. Pears contain enzymes that speed cell turnover. If you have an extra pear, throw it in the juicer!

Skin Brushing

Every minute, roughly 40,000 skin cells are shed. Each day, an entire layer of skin dies.

One of the things skin brushing does is to unclog the pores. When the pores are clogged, the skin cannot do it’s job properly. It cannot absorb sunlight or moisturizers or any healthy oils the way it can when the pores are open. The skin is also hindered because it cannot release waste material as it was meant to do. Clearing the skin allows the liver and kidneys to do their job more efficiently by releasing uric acid and other waste material, thus lightening the work load on the other organs of elimination.

This works on the flip side as well. When the liver and kidneys are sluggish, waste material makes its way out through the skin. The skin is not a separate entity in and of itself. When you help the skin, you are helping other parts of the body as well.

My Favorite Things for the Skin…

A few years ago, someone gave me the best birthday gift ever! I have been in love with The Body Deli ever since. It is literally food for the skin, and I cannot recommend it enough. I use the body lotion or body cream every single morning from head to toe, then I do the exact same thing at night before I go to sleep. Over the years I have tried their different face washes, moisturizers, exfoliators and oils. I love it all!

There is not an ingredient in it that I cannot pronounce.

My favorite is their Tahitian Vanilla Hand/Body Lotion.

(I should also note that I’m not being paid to say this, I’m just a big fan of The Body Deli!)


Our bodies are made up of roughly 60% water in the average adult. We need water to replenish what is used every day for the body to perform it’s daily functions.

When we don’t drink enough water, the body pulls water from the skin in order to maintain the concentration in your blood. This causes the skin to appear older, drier, and more wrinkled from dehydration.

Herbs for the Skin

  • Aloe Vera – vitamins such as C and E are present in aloe vera and keep the skin firm and hydrated. Aloe vera gel an help stretch marks fade and also helps with skin inflammation and acne.
  • Black walnut is an anti-fungal, anti bacterial herb that is used to help clear up skin conditions
  • Mullein leaf – helps skin inflammation and makes the skin more pliable.
  • Marshmallow root can smooth fine lines and heal nicks and cuts on the skin.

A product I use that contains all of these herbs and more is Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue and Bone formula. It comes in pill form, which makes it very easy to use.

Foods rich in essential fatty acids

Some examples of these are:

  • Walnuts
  • Flax seeds
  • Salmon and halibut
  • Olive oil
  • Avocado

Having healthy, beautiful skin does indeed take some effort. But I believe that it is worth every minute of what it takes to make that happen.

Dr. Bernard Jensen, one of the greatest natural healers of the last century, had this to say – and I couldn’t agree more.

‘You might as well make up your mind that you’re going to spend one hour a day to take care of yourself, because no one else can do it for you.’

My Best Tips to Beat Your Sugar Addiction

Have you ever battled a sugar habit? I know I have! If you were to ask me to name one thing that has hindered my health and fitness goals throughout the years, my answer would be sugar.

One year I went about 9 months without having any refined sugar at all… then I went to my annual family reunion and had to wean myself off of it all over again. Over the years I’ve had to come up with all sorts of ideas in order to stay free from it. I’d like to share my ideas with you in hopes that they will be a help to you as well.

  • Find healthier replacements for the sugary foods you love the most.
  • Educate yourself about refined white sugar and what it does to your body. Having an understanding of how harmful sugar is definitely takes the fun out of eating it.
  • Procrastinate. Have you ever put off a project until later? Well, why not use procrastination in a good way? Put off having that dessert until tomorrow. Sometimes ‘tomorrow never comes’.
  • Eat something every 2 to 3 hours. Skipping meals and snacks can trigger sugar cravings and binges.
  • When sugar cravings arise, try eating something that is a good source of protein. A piece of clean fish or a leafy green salad with quinoa, feta and vegetables may actually be what your body is craving. Try it! You may be surprised.
  • Have a great workout instead. Getting your body moving and oxygenating your blood may leave you feeling like you don’t want to sabotage your hard work with an unhealthy snack.
  • Replace a good memory…with another good memory! Sometimes that thing we love to eat takes us back to a happy moment in our lives. So many emotions can be tied to the foods we enjoy eating. For example, years ago, after my children’s birthday parties, I would wake up and have cake and ice cream for breakfast. Anyone knows that’s not good for us! But it made me feel really good. I would think back on the previous day and how much fun all of us had together. With that in mind, I try and do simple little things to make healthier food more enjoyable. For example, when I make my healthy chocolate shake for a friend or loved one, I put it in a nice glass with a straw just to make it a little more fun. If you have children, imagine the tremendous favor you will be doing by creating pleasant memories that include healthy food rather than junk.
  • Make your own flash cards. I expound on this more in my video. I have flash cards with facts about sugar and little reminders to keep me on track – it’s a very powerful tool.
  • Reach for a piece of fresh fruit. A pear, an apple, something you don’t have to peel, cut or cook is a quick alternative.

Have you ever craved cookies then sat down and ate the entire bag all at one setting? That craving was not necessarily a bad thing. Your body was trying to tell you that it needed something. By trying to fill that need with a bag of cookies, you are actually creating a greater deficiency in your body. If you reach for some pitted dates the next time this craving strikes, I guarantee you that you will not need to eat the entire bag of dates to feel satisfied.

A few interesting facts about sugar…

  • Sugar increases the risk of coronary artery disease because it inflames the linings of arteries to the heart. ‘High sugar levels impair the arteries’ ability to respond to the heart’s need for more blood flow and make both arteries and platelets “stickier,” increasing the risk of a stroke or heart attack.’ – Jennifer Berman, MD.
  • Ingesting refined white sugar creates a process called glycation, which ages and weakens your skin and causes wrinkles and sagging.
  • ‘Sugar is poison to the body.’ – Dr.Robert Lustig
  • Having one can of soda a day can increase your chance of getting diabetes by 29%, as well as adding 15.9 pounds of fat in unwanted places over a year’s time.
  • White sugar is the most destructive and degenerating of all, because it is usually ‘refined’ with the use of sulphuric acid. – Dr. Norman Walker
  • Sugar can damage the delicate filtration system of the kidneys. Thus it is no surprise that diabetes is one of the main causes of kidney failure.
  • Sugar can aggravate arthritis by pumping inflammatory cytokines into your blood stream.
  • Sugar can rewire the reward pathways of the brain. A study in the British Journal of Psychiatry concluded that people with processed, sugary diets had a 58% higher risk of being depressed.

The things I’ve shared with you today have been very effective in helping me be more aware of what I’m putting in my body on a regular basis. I figure since I’m like most people, perhaps there is something in all of this that may help you fight back against unhealthy cravings and addictions and achieve the level of health that you envision for yourself in the future.

A Great “Grab ‘n Go” Chia Seed Snack

I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for something healthy that I can just reach for without having to spend a lot of time preparing when I need it.

Chia bowls are one of my favorite ideas for this very reason. Whether you have one for breakfast, snack or post workout meal, you can feel good knowing you are getting an excellent source of protein and antioxidants. Not only do they fuel the body, they also leave you feeling satisfied.

Here are simple instructions for how to make them, along with a video I made with my son that I hope you find useful!


  • 1/2 cup of almond or almond pecan milk
  • 2 Tbsp of Chia seeds (Soak for a few minutes until thick)
  • 1 Tbsp of almond butter
  • Fruit of your choice
  • Nut topping

Nut Topping

  • 1 cup raw almonds
  • 1 cup raw pecans
  • 3/4 cups of coconut chips
  • Vanilla extract, to taste
  • Maple syrup, to taste
  • Himalayan salt, to taste


  1. Combine almonds, pecans and coconut chips on a piece of parchment paper. Roughly chop with a food chopper.
  2. Place ingredients on a cookie sheet.
  3. Add vanilla extract, maple syrup, and Himalayan salt to taste.
  4. Bake at 350, turning every few minutes with a spatula, until nut mixture is almost dry. Remove from oven, and let cool before placing in an airtight container.

These are excellent for taking to work as well! They store perfectly in a mason jar and are easily transportable.